Sunday 16 November 2014

Runstreak Day #337 - hilly trail run

Today was supposed to be my normal long run.  But my energy has been so lousy lately that I didn't feel like attempting 10 miles+ was going to go any way other than badly!  So, I decided against it.

I know!  Sensible right?!  I ended up doing a short 5k run round the woods instead.  I'm doing a trail half in a couple of weeks time so it was sort of practice for that - hilly, muddy, trails.  Kinda fun really in a messy, exhausting kinda way.  It was nice not to have to run on the pavement for a change.  I've been a bit confined to pavements lately as I still can't bring myself to drive again (thank you PTSD and panic attacks), so have had to just run from the house the whole time.  And with the exhaustion, can't run too far either.  So, running in the woods, through the damp leaves, up and down the muddy hills... that was a nice change.  Even if I was slower than a slow thing!

I think I need some trail shoes though.  It was kinda slippy underfoot and I had visions of ending up covered in mud and soaked through on some of the gloopier bits.  You end up having to do some interesting footwork just to stay upright and when your legs are getting a bit tired, that makes it all a bit trickier.

Still... run.  Done.  337 days.  And haven't given in to the rubbish I'm going through at the moment either.   There is still a bit of me kicking about somewhere, after all.

Geeky stats stuff

  • 3.1mi
  • 30:36
     Moving Time
  • 9:44/mi

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