Wednesday 28 January 2015

Runstreak Day #424 - hotch potch runs

What a hotch potch of running today!  First was a 'school run', running my littlest to school while he scooted - in the drizzle and cold.  It sure does make getting him to school a lot quicker than walking!  Plus I kinda like the look on the other parents' faces when I'm running back up the hill.  And I bumped into one of my beginner group runners while I was dropping off my son - which was cool too.

The next run was a Sweatshop run... again with my littlest.  But he wasn't feeling it at all - even though he really wanted to go - and then my Garmin wouldn't play ball, not finding a signal for more than a mile of running.  Gah!  And then when we were as far away as we were going to go, little legs decided to turn up the volume on the moaning and it took every bit of parental game playing to get him to run back to the starting point!

Plus, I needed to pee.  And what with it being cold and a bit grim out... dealing with an expanding bladder while trying to be perky and encouraging to a reluctant 9 year old nearly finished me off.

Still, splitting my runs is allowing me to build back up my mileage and for the first time in a couple of months my monthly miles are back over 100 and marathon training isn't seeming like such a crazy thing.

And I earned my cuppa.  Several cuppas!!

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