Saturday 10 January 2015

Runstreak Day #406 - my runniversary!

Happy Runniversary to meeeee
Happy Runniversary to meeeee
Happy Runniversary dear meeeeeeeeeee
Happy Runniversary to meeeeeeeee!!!

Two years ago today, I went for my first ever run.  Well, when I say 'run' I mean 'near death experience'.  I had prepared well.  There I was, with Runkeeper on my phone, and the Couch to 5k programme sitting there, ignored.  When I suddenly decided that I would attempt Couch to 5k while out on a walk.

Yup, just like that.  I was obese, wearing a humungous white winter coat... and welly boots.  The app instructed me to run.  I did.  As much as anyone can do in big ol' green wellies.  And as much as someone who hasn't run anywhere in over 20 years can run, i.e. 45 seconds before lungs are burning, legs are close to collapse and the realisation that this is going to be bloody hard hits home.  And that was just the first minute.  I had to run again after only 90 seconds of walking.  And again.  And again.  By the sixth minute of running, I could barely breathe.  And the minute of running had trimmed itself down to 10 seconds of faster limping, 30 seconds of almost running and 20 seconds of slow desperation for the minute to be over.

Anyway, two years later and I'm on my 406th consecutive day of running every day.  I managed another 5k, tackling a couple of hills and generally coasting along... not wearing wellies... not weighing a shedload more... and despite the tail-end of a chest infection, not feeling like my lungs were going to explode!

But, you know what the biggest difference is between today and 2 years ago?  Tomorrow *I* get to lead my first ever beginners' group through a couch to 5k programme.  Me!  If you'd seen my first attempt at running 2 years ago, you would never ever have thought that was going to happen!  And yet... it is.  Plus, Notts Women Runners which I set up 10 months ago, finally became a registered Run England Group today and we now have over 200 members in our Facebook group.

What a difference a couple of years makes!!  I LOVE the difference running has made to my life.  :D

*slurps her celebratory cuppa*

PS  Wish me luck for tomorrow!

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