The last week or so of avoiding hills has now come to an end as it's decidedly 'undulating' here! So, I undulated my way up and down the lanes near the camp site where we're staying. Not very far this morning because of the pesky knee thing, but far enough to have got out there. Wooooo hooooo! Didn't see anyone else other than a couple of bleary campers making their way to the shower block and got the 'you must be slightly crackers face from them', which at 6:30 in the morning is probably fair enough!
It's a bit weird running while you're away from home. You realise just how familiar all of your routes have become. You know what a three mile run is. You know your four, five and beyond runs. But when you're away you just run.
'Just running' is fabulous. All sparkly happy shades of fabulous.
And now I have tea. Mmmmmm mmmm!
Geeky stats stuff
Time: 22:27 mins
Dist: 2.68 miles
Pace: 8.23 mins / mile
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